Research from Diego’s Visiting Scholar appointment at Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching at Stanford (2016) - Adult Affective/Non-Cognitive Learning Approaches: Support for Student Equity and Development of Professional Competencies

RP Group Brief: Affective Practices to Ensure Student Learning
(2021) - RP Group Brief: Affective Practices to Ensure Student Learning - co-authored with Kathy Molloy

Designing a “Light the Fire” Course
(2013) - The RP Group's May Perspectives - A Day in the Life: Pedagogy of the Academy for College Excellence’s Foundation Course - co-authored with Dr. Rose Asera
(2013) - The RP Group's Jan. Perspectives - Rethinking Entry to College - co-authored with Dr. Rose Asera

Teaching Affectively and Experientially - Faculty Perspectives
(2011) Findings from Interviews with Faculty by Anthropologist Rose Asera

Meeting the Needs of our Students of Color and other Marginalized Students
(2012) - Change Magazine - Supporting the Students of the Future
(2005) - 
Community College Journal - Digital Bridges to Community College

Role of Community Colleges in Addressing Poverty
(2013) - Social Justice Journal - The Role of Community Colleges in Alleviating Poverty

Identifying Community Colleges and the High Risk Communities They Serve
(2010) - A GIS/Data Analysis & Strategic Plan- Understanding that 20% of the Community Colleges serve 80% of the CC Students in the with Justin Scoggins, University of Southern California

Evaluations of ACE Approach and Diego's Work...

Outcome Studies: Students and Professional Development
(2018) Summary of Student Outcome Studies

(2018) Long Term Academic and Wage Outcomes: Summary of a Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

(2018) Brief — Qualitative Evaluation of ACE’s 21st Century Professional Skills Development

(2018) Summary of Professional Development Outcome Studies

(2011, 2013) - MPR Associates - Student Outcome Studies
(2011) - Faculty Study by Rose Asera
(2010) - MPR Associates - Affective Non-cognitive Studies
(2009) - Community College Research Center (CCRC) - Student Outcome Study
(2006, 2007) - UCSC Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community - Faculty Studies

(2015) Student Psychological Construct Outcomes Studies

Articles & Research Featuring Diego's Work...

Academy for College Excellence
(2010) - 2020 Vision Student Success - A Report of the Commission on the Future of the Community College League of California
(2010) - CCCSE (Center for Community College Student Engagement - The Heart of Student Success 2010 Findings
(2009) - Technology Solutions for Developmental Math - An Overview of Current and Emerging Practices - ACE is referred to as DBA in this paper
(2009) - Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges - Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Faculty Primer - ACE is referred to as DBA in this paper
(2009) - Pennsylvania Workforce Development - Task Force on Adult Learning - ACE is referred to as DBA in this paper
(2009) - Schuyler Center for Analysis & Advocacy - Transition to College - ACE is referred to as DBA in this paper
(2008) - City University of New York (CUNY) - A New Community College: A Concept Paper
(2006) - Harvard Business School Alumni Bulletin - Bridging the Success Gap - ACE was formerly called the Digital Bridge Academy (DBA) and is referred to as such in this article

Self-managing Professional Teams
(1994) - Journal of Organizational Computing - Computer supported self-managing teams

Self-managing Professional Teams
(1990) - HP Insight - Orchestrating the Organization of the Future in the Age of NewWave - by Shirley Gilbert